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Heartful Living Quiz

Complete this quiz to find out how you're tracking along in regards to Hearful Living. Simply answer a few questions, submit your quiz and I will personally respond with where you're at, then we can lock in a Heartful Chat to see what you can do for your unique situation.


How Heartfilled is your life right now?
When you wake up in the morning which response best describes how you are feeling?
Which sentence most accurately sums up how connected you are to your current lifestyle?
How many minutes a day are spent doing things you love?
Are any of these areas mentioned below causing you great pressure/stress?
What would you love more of right now?
Are you ready to make long lasting change?

Great, I'll be in touch shortly to let you know where you fall on my Heartful Living scale, expect an email within the next 24-48 hours. In the mean time, click on the link below to book in a Heartful chat.

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© Rachael Munyawarara 2017 | Website by Techno Bird

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